Step it Up! Workshop: Crowdfunding for Shows


JOIN US in FiDi for a workshop hosted by Jessica Massart on Crowdfunding for Theatre Projects on Kickstarter!

WHEN: Tuesday, December 4th - Presentation starts at 6:30pm
WHERE: Tesla Conference Room @ LMHQ (150 Broadway, 20th Floor)
PRICE: FREE but spots are LIMITED, attendees must reserve their seat via our ticket link!

Want help thinking about your next crowdfunding campaign? Join Jessica Massart, Kickstarter's Senior Performance Lead, in an interactive workshop that tackles how to frame your story, rewards, goal setting, and outreach strategy. Learn how to frame your campaign, create rewards that tie into your show, and start making your outreach plan in this workshop. Jessica Massart, Kickstarter's Senior Performance Lead, will walk participants through building their campaign and setting up for success.

Jessica Massart is the Senior Lead for dance and theater projects at Kickstarter. She collaborates with artists and organizations on crafting campaigns from the video and story to strategic outreach planning. Before joining Kickstarter, she directed marketing and communications for the likes of On the Boards, Performa, and the French Institute Alliance Francaise. She has also provided management for award-winning companies such as zoe | juniper and The Builders Association.

Special thanks to LMHQ & the Bright Ideas ConEd grant for use of their meeting space!

Step it Up! Workshops: Step1's free workshop series to help us step up our artist game. #ArtistsSupportingArtists


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